Industrial Restructuring in the NIS: experience of and lessons from the new EU Member States

This project analysed the recent patterns of industrial restructuring in the new EU member states and in selected NIS in order to reveal the role played by the varying degree of economic integration in the progress of economic transition and restructuring, activities of foreign investors (especially regarding technology transfer, innovation activities, management practices and resulting changes in production and trade specialisation). It also explored the potential for a closer economic cooperation between the enlarged EU and its new neighbours in the NIS, prospects for a closer economic integration in the NIS, and contributed to the relevant policy discussions.

The topics analysed included patterns of industrial restructuring in ACs and NIS, EU-NIS trade specialisation (including country- and industry-specific studies), challenges of EU enlargement and WTO accession for the NIS, prospects for EU integration and the regional integration in the NIS, the role of inward and outward FDI in both ACs an d NIS, emerging industrial clusters in the Baltic Sea region, innovation policies and innovation activities at the company level. The participation of researchers from the EU and the NIS took advantage of the existing know-how on economic transition and integration from the countries on EU-NIS borders.

Dissemination of the research results to both scientific community, policy makers and a broader public not only raised awareness regarding the importance of trade and FDI for restructuring and integration in the NIS, but also helped to avoid possible pitfalls of poorly prepared or wrongly implemented policies. Policy recommendations regarding restructuring strategies in the NIS were elaborated and challenges of a deeper integration between the enlarged EU and its new NIS neighbours was explored and, together with selected topical project research and policy papers, published.

See the final report from here.