Estonian communities and diaspora members abroad

The aim of this study is to explore Estonian communities abroad. This research has two objectives. Firstly, it aims to explore the Estonian diaspora members, their background, attitudes and expectations for the Estonian state. Secondly, it also contributes to policymaking (including relevant policies, such as ÜEP) and other diaspora-related measures. This study is the first of its kind where the research specifically focuses on reaching out to the Estonian community members in order to understand their sense and their connection to people and the country even better.

In the course of the study, the expectations of Estonian diaspora members for the Estonian state (incl. possible services), attitudes towards the Estonian state, readiness to participate or contribute to Estonian-related activities and intentions to return will be explored. Different factors that develop or hinder the connection with the country and nationality will also be explored.

Following research methods are applied in this study:

The results of the study will be used in the formulation of diaspora policy and in the development of relevant diaspora programmes. Among many institutions, this research will benefit various bodies, including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Research or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Enterprise Estonia and many other organizations and universities. The study will also be the first to provide the wholesome overview of the situation regarding Estonian communities, their feelings and expectations.