Study of Residents with Undetermined Citizenship
The aim of the study is to understand the situation of the residents of Estonia with undetermined citizenship.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to understand the situation of the residents of Estonia with undetermined citizenship.
Read moreThe goal of the study is to analyze and improve the effectiveness of prison rehabilitation processes and the opportunities for detainees to reintegrate into society.
Read moreCommissioned by the Tallinn Social and Health Care Department, this study aims…
Read moreThe children of migrants are often exposed to several distinct national histories: one from their country of residence and another from their family’s countries of origin. However, the impact of intergenerational transmission of historical views on the relationships migrants develop with both places remains unclear.
Read moreCeMeWe (Central Baltic Mentoring for Migrant Women Seeking Employment) brings together partners from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Sweden, who are creating a model that aims to increase the employability of immigrant women and helps to overcome individual, domestic, and societal barriers. As a result of the project, the target group will have a clear understanding of their employment opportunities, an increase in skills, and a clear chart of the steps needed for employment.
Read moreThe website is a gateway to information for Estonians abroad and globally-minded Estonians in Estonia. The aim of the survey is to better understand whether and how Estonians living abroad who are aware of the portal use it. Or if not, for what reasons. It will analyse whether the portal is moving in the right direction.
Read moreThe holistic aim of the whole study is to find out the attitudes of parents of pupils in Russian-language schools and kindergartens in Tartu and the background of these attitudes towards the transition to Estonian-language education, i.e. to map the expectations and main fears of parents and to offer solutions to alleviate fears by raising parents’ language awareness.
Read moreThe Language Learner Programme, administered and operated by the Integration Foundation (INSA), offers an excellent seasonal opportunity for individuals learning Estonian to enhance their communicative language skills. The analysis of this program serves two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to scrutinize the data collected from completed datasets. Secondly, it endeavors to explore and map the practices of similar programs in various countries.
Read moreThe aim of this study was to identify and raise awareness among staff involved in implementing mobility projects. This awareness focused on the inclusion of participants with fewer opportunities. Secondly, the study aimed to highlight the importance of related measures in mobility projects.
Read moreThe return of the foreigner to his or her country of origin is part of the functioning of the asylum system. Individual counselling is provided to all these target groups, i.e. applicants for protection, beneficiaries and returnees. The counselling aims to provide the foreigner with reliable and impartial information on his/her rights and obligations, free of charge and in a language he/she understands, throughout the entire procedure for international protection and/or the obligation to leave.
Read moreWhile language learning has so far been targeted at all who wish to learn and all different target groups, in the near future, it is hoped to focus language learning provision on low-skilled permanent residents with passive language skills, family migrants and beneficiaries of temporary protection. The aim of this study is to identify the specific characteristics of these three groups.
Read moreTo improve the integration and well-being of people arriving in Estonia and ensure that Estonian society is cohesive in its diversity, it is essential to promote cohesion and develop activities to enable it. This is what the Estonian state has been doing through its policies, and the adaptation and integration measure supported by EU structural instruments plays an essential role in this.
Read moreEstonian language training of third-country nationals has been heavily invested in through the Estonian state budget and international projects. However, language learning must first and foremost be based on the needs of the target group, which have been studied in several previous studies and the results of which have been taken into account in the development of Estonian language learning.
Read moreThis project aims to ensure that third-country nationals who have arrived in Estonia on a long-stay D visa and a short-stay work permit have the necessary time and relevant knowledge to work and settle in Estonia.
Read moreInstitute of Baltic Studies, in cooperation with the Universities of Tartu and…
Read moreThe aim of this study is to explore Estonian communities abroad. This…
Read moreIn 2021, the Integration Foundation (INSA) will offer Estonian language instruction at…
Read moreDue to increasing immigration, Estonia is becoming increasingly multilingual and multicultural, and…
Read moreAn acute labour shortage exists in many sectors of labour market, while…
Read moreCommissioned by the Ministry of Culture, the Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS)…
Read moreMulticultural education is becoming an increasingly important educational policy issue. Today’s migration…
Read moreBalti Uuringute Instituut (IBS) teeb SA Archimedese noorteagentuuri (SANA) tellimusel Noortekohtumiste programmi mõju uuringut. Uuringul on kolm peamist eesmärki.
Read moreAt the request of the Ministry of the Interior, The Institute of…
Read moreViisime läbi kahe Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse projekti – sotsiaalkampaania “Karjäär Eestis” ja audiovisuaalmeediaprogramm „Meie Eestid“ – tulemuslikkuse hindamise.
Read moreThe main objective of the study is to analyze the provision labor market services in Estonia, focusing in particular on the unemployed of other nationalities and the practices of their integration into the labor market.
Read moreWe will carry out an international project which focuses on employers and aims to contribute to the entry and integration of immigrants in the Estonian labour market.
Read moreWe will take a closer look at the latest developments in the field of integration in the Estonian society.
Read moreAnalüüsime rändestatistikat ning teeme ettepanekud rändega seotud andmete kogumise, väljastamise ja esitamise parendamiseks.
Read moreSuurendame kohalike omavalitsuste võimekust kolmandate riikide kodanikele teabe vahendamisel ja avalike teenuste pakkumisel.
Read moreThe purpose of the evaluation is to provide an overview of the results and impact of actions co-financed by the European Refugee Fund, the European Return Fund and the External Borders Fund.
Read moreWe evaluate the impact of the activities conducted under the “Compatriots programme” 2009–2013 and recommend additional activities that would help expatriates retain and strengthen their ties with Estonia.
Read moreThe objective is to identify the barriers and obstacles of free movement from the viewpoint of young Europeans (aged 25-35) who exercise or plan to exercise the right of freedom of movement within the EU.
Read moreThe purpose of the evaluation was to provide an overview of the activities carried out with the Fund in the period 2011-2013 and to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, complementarity and additionality of the Fund’s implementation programs and their contribution to the strategic policy objectives underpinning the Fund.
Read moreThe integration monitoring is based on the sectoral development plan Integrating Estonia 2020, which sets the strategic goal of developing an integrated and cohesive Estonian society, where people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds actively participate in social life and share democratic values.
Read moreHindamise eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade Euroopa Pagulasfondist, Euroopa Tagasipöördumisfondist ning Välispiirifondist kaasrahastatud meetmete tulemuste ja mõju kohta.
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies coordinated the preparation of proposals for the Integration Development Plan “Integrating Estonia 2020” for the planning of research, the establishment of the Research Council’s working principles, the definition of development plan goals and the development of a monitoring model of integration processes.
Read moreThe aim of the project was to support the development of democratic values and political participation among the young generation of Belarusian civil society leaders. During the project 30 young civil society leaders were trained in citizens’ forum method.
Read moreThe aim of the project was to develop a common platform for providing innovative services to increase the interaction among the expats, locals and private and public service providers.
Read moreThe project aimed to inform and engage key policy actors about how to use indicators to improve integration governance and policy effectiveness.
Read moreWhat is the situation with the adaptation of newly-arrived immigrants in Estonia and what kind of migration support system should be adopted?
Read moreThe purpose of the thematic pages is to collect background information on the field of integration by providing input into the new integration program “Integrating Estonia 2020”.
Read moreThe aim of the project was to gather information, analyze and evaluate support services for Estonian asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, including comparisons with good practices in other Member States.
Read moreFrom November 2012 until October 2013 Praxis Center for Policy Studies and Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) implemented the project “National Debates on Integration for Third Country Nationals in Estonia”. The main objective of the project was to include third country nationals and people with undetermined citizenship living in Estonia (TCN) in policy making processes in the field of integration policy in Estonia.
Read moreThe aim of this project was to analyse promotion of equal treatment in labour market and awareness altogether in Estonian society. The main target group were European third country nationals and persons without citizenship. In addition, activities were directed to additional groups: business leaders and human resources managers; Russian and Estonian media; local and governmental (ministries) policy makers, NGOs, experts, analytics and scientists.
Read moreHow the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea could learn to make the most of their human capital, both native and foreign-born?
Read moreOn 29th September 2011 Institute of Baltic Studies together with the Estonian…
Read moreCentral Baltic Job Ferry project aimed to improve the mobility of labour…
Read moreThe purpose of the research project “Research on the Situation of Persons…
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