Study on the Value Space and Identity Change of Immigrants in Tallinn and Its Connection to the Use of Local Services

Commissioned by the Tallinn Social and Health Care Department, this study aims to analyze the adaptation and integration of immigrants arriving in Tallinn since 2016, focusing on the role of local services. The objective is to identify factors that hinder or support adaptation and integration and provide practical recommendations for improving services. The study specifically focuses on people who have arrived in Tallinn over the past decade, including Ukrainian war refugees whose numbers have significantly increased in recent years.

The methodology includes surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions to understand immigrants’ experiences and attitudes. A narrative analysis will highlight recurring patterns and influencing factors. The final report will provide practical recommendations for modifying Tallinn’s services to make them more accessible to immigrants. The study results will offer valuable input for the development of services intended for immigrants in Tallinn, supporting their adaptation and integration into Estonian society.