The Youth Guarantee Support System

Read the results about Youth Guarantee Support System

The Youth Guarantee Support System (YGSS) serves as a local government tool, aiming to identify NEET youth. It proactively offers targeted support, primarily aiding their education continuation and labor market entry. The system’s goal is to address youth unemployment and educational gaps. Failure results in societal strain—social security burden, multiple social issues, and structural problems—prompting serious consequences.

The purpose of this study was to assess the relevance, impact, effectiveness. Also, to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the implementation of the YGSS. The study concluded that YGSS is effective. Its implementation and support measures greatly aid youth in labor market entry and education continuation. Estonia’s context involves labor market measures, networking, counseling, and proactivity.

The study demonstrates YGSS’s importance in engaging non-active youth in labor market and education. It enhances outreach to needy youth, enabling proactive individual support through guidelines tailored to their needs and opportunities. The YGSS functions as a case management model, ensuring effective assistance. Considering the multitude of services and opportunities aimed at young people, it is also relevant to pay attention to enhanced cooperation with other service providers.

The report indicates several aspects which could allow to achieve the set objective more efficiently and get a better overview of the outcome in the future. For example, only about half of the individuals on the potential assistance list were contacted. Contact was established with only one fifth of them based on the registries.

In addition, the study shows that the implementation of the YGSS is not sustainable without support from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Not only does state financing support the continuous application of the Youth Guarantee Support System, but also increased awareness, promoting efforts of youth workers, and strong cooperation networks contribute.