Youth, education and labour market


Evaluation Study on Training Courses Supporting the Development of Social-emotional Competencies of Teachers

The aim of the study is to assess the implementation and feasibility of two training courses, the Gordon School for Teachers and the Teacher Awareness Course in Silence Minutes, the potential impact of the courses on teachers’ socio-emotional competences, the accuracy of their implementation, and the factors facilitating and hindering the development and use of socio-emotional competences.

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Mapping Civic Education in Estonia

The purpose of the mapping is to identify the various entities engaged in civic education, encompassing both formal and informal approaches. It outlines their areas of focus within society, explores potential collaborations, and ultimately delves into their requirements for developing robust and inventive solutions to address the challenges confronting European citizens. In the project the Institute of Baltic Studies role is to actively participate as a project promotor and partner in Estonia.

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Transition to Estonian-language Education in Tartu

The holistic aim of the whole study is to find out the attitudes of parents of pupils in Russian-language schools and kindergartens in Tartu and the background of these attitudes towards the transition to Estonian-language education, i.e. to map the expectations and main fears of parents and to offer solutions to alleviate fears by raising parents’ language awareness.

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Erasmus+ Inclusive Mobility Study

The aim of this study was to identify and raise awareness among staff involved in implementing mobility projects. This awareness focused on the inclusion of participants with fewer opportunities. Secondly, the study aimed to highlight the importance of related measures in mobility projects.

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Applicability of E-games in Youth Work

The aim of the study is to provide an overview of the most commonly used e-games by young people (aged 7–16) and their impact on the development of young people’s general competencies, as well as the potential link between e-games and opportunities and competences in youth work, both in Estonia and in other countries.

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The Organisation of Estonian Language Learning in Restricted Language Environments: Creating Sustainable and Effective Integrated Solutions 

While language learning has so far been targeted at all who wish to learn and all different target groups, in the near future, it is hoped to focus language learning provision on low-skilled permanent residents with passive language skills, family migrants and beneficiaries of temporary protection. The aim of this study is to identify the specific characteristics of these three groups.

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Working Conditions of Youth Workers: Current Situation and Challenges

The study aims to identify the size and composition of the youth workforce and to gain a comprehensive overview of the working conditions, environment and organisation, work motivation, professional self-development and opportunities, and the feedback system of professionals working long-term and permanently with young people.

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Analysis of Teleworking Practice Abroad

This study aims to obtain an overview of the development of teleworking in the world, different measures that promote it among employers and employees and the results and impact of the implementation of these measures in different countries. The effects of teleworking and measures to mitigate negative effects will be examined as well. The final goal is to find out which of the implemented measures and interventions could be applied in Estonia.

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Tobacco and Nicotine Products Use Study

This study aims to analyse the use of different alternative nicotine products, including the combined use of nicotine and tobacco products among the Estonian population, especially young people, and to find out the reasons for consuming different products, the effect of attitudes and beliefs on consumption and how information from different products reaches the potential consumer. 

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Awareness of Young People in Tartu about Tartu Youth Council

Tartu Youth Council is a participatory body with advisory rights consisting of young people operating at a rural municipality or city council. The youth council typically discusses issues concerning young people within the competence of the rural municipality or city council and makes proposals based on the needs and interests of young people. Participating and participating in the work of the city youth council is one of the direct ways in which young people can participate in local life issues and in the work of the city council or rural municipalit

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Robotex Impact Analysis 2017-2019

Since 2008, more than two million euros have been invested in school robotics in Estonia, which is the largest investment in robotics per capita in the world. This, in turn, has ensured that almost half of Estonian schools are equipped with robots and are able to organize robotics-related activities.

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Opportunities of Introducing Micro-qualifications (Micro-credentials) in the Estonian Education and Vocation System Based on International Practice

The aim of this project, conducted by the Institute of Baltic Studies, is to explore foreign practices related to the provision of micro-qualifications. It will also analyze the readiness of the Estonian vocational and education system to offer micro-qualifications. Additionally, the project will seek to understand which system would best suit the Estonian context.

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External Evaluation of the Kristjan Jaak Programme

The evaluation aims to provide a better overview of the effectiveness and relevance of the Kristjan Jaak programme. The study by IBS will assess its activities in light of the objectives set for the programme. The evaluation will also help to understand the significance of the Kristjan Jaak programme compared to other major learning mobility programmes, such as Erasmus+ and Dora Plus.

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The Youth Guarantee Support System

The purpose of this study was to assess the relevance, impact, effectiveness. Also, to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the implementation of the YGSS. The study concluded that YGSS is effective. Its implementation and support measures greatly aid youth in labor market entry and education continuation. Estonia’s context involves labor market measures, networking, counseling, and proactivity.

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Kogukonnapraktika jätkusuutlikkuse hindamine

Hindamise eesmärk on saada teada, kuidas koolid näevad kogukonnapraktika programmi jätkusuutlikkust ja milline on nende hinnangul Vabaühenduste Liidu roll selles ning saada teada, kas ja kuidas on võimalik ning mõistlik hinnata programmis osalevate õpilaste hoiakute muutumist.

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Demokraatiaseminaride eesmärk on interaktiivsete kaasamismeetodite kaudu tutvustada õpilastele demokraatliku osalemise ja põhiõiguste alaseid teemavaldkondi ning koolitada õpetajad ja juhtkonda viisidest, kuidas demokraatliku kaasamist klassiruumis praktiliselt rakendada ning milliste meetoditega suurendada või käsitleda õpilaste teadlikkust põhiõigustest teemadel.

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Mid-term evaluation for implementation of VEPA Good Behavior Game

The goal of the mid-term evaluation is to explore whether the activity processes help achieve the aims of implementation and assess their relevance and sustainability. a set of practical suggestions will be compiled on how to use the methodology in the Estonian context and how to organize constant expansion at a system level in the most efficient way.

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Needs assessment of the further training for teachers

The aim of the study was to obtain feedback on the system of in-service teacher education in general education schools, to identify the need for in-service teacher education and to make proposals for the development of in-service teacher education system.

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