REnewable Low TEmperature District (RELaTED)
District heating (DH) is one of the most energy efficient systems to deliver heat in urban environments but today’s energy market requires a conversion of the DH concept. The project REnewable Low TEmperature District (RELaTED) will provide an innovative system of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) DH networks. That can pave the way for expanding and modernizing existing networks.
RELaTED will integrate present technologies into a new ULT DH concept, at distribution temperatures below commercially operative DH networks today so there will be possible to reduce distribution heat losses and investment costs.
There are 14 partners from European Union participating in RELaTED. The innovative ULT district heating concept will be demonstrated in four complementary operation environments in Europe, among them in Tartu (Fortum Tartu).
During the duration of the project The Institute of Baltic Studies will participate in number of studies and analysis, where new methods will be developed, and new results will be gained, which might be suitable for implementation in other similar or different projects. For this, the IBS will cooperate with public governments, regions and cities, DH companies and other relevant stakeholders.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. One of the priorities of the programme is to tackle societal challenges, incl. to promote use of safe, clean and efficient energy in European Union.