Research project on competence development and capacity building in Erasmus+: Youth in Action

The Institute of Baltic studies (IBS) conducted a study into the impact of study migration projects in the youth field. The study was commissioned by Archimedes Foundation Youth Agency. The aim was to explore the impact these projects have on the development of the cooperation network and on the organizations participating in the programme.

The impact of the Erasmus+ programme cannot be easily discerned from the impact other parallel activities have. Additionally, the impact of the programme is largely dependent on the culture of the work place and the person who participated in the activity. Nevertheless, interviews with 13 youth workers and a validation seminar with SANA representatives showed that the programme is very valuable for developing the youth work field and the organizations in that field. Highly qualified youth workers and promoting their work help raise the visibility of youth work and the organization and gain recognition.

On the other hand, the study proved that the impact of Erasmus+ on youth work organizations could be even greater. For this, managers need to lead strategically, which also includes supporting the development of employees, while taking into account the mission and vision of the organization. When choosing trainings, it is also important to consider other strategic youth work documents, i.e. studies and the vocational standard of youth work. This is also helpful in the choosing process, as due to a lack of time or resources, youth workers often need to select only a few trainings or projects to participate in.

In addition to the study report, an article was also published in MIHUS magazine.

International analysis and interim reports on the underlying Estonian results are available on the SANA website.