Evaluation of the Participation Practices in Estonian Government

At the end of 2009, the Ministry of the Interior and the State Chancellery launched a survey of ministry involvement practices, conducted by the Center for Policy Studies in Praxis in cooperation with the Baltic Research Institute. Nine Ministries covered practical observative inclusive analysis ob. In the course of this analysis, the general situation of involvement in the Estonian governmental institutions as well as the ministries in 2007-2009 were examined. The process of inclusion was mapped in 2005, mapping institutional practices for inclusion. The objectives of the study are:

1) to analyze the effectiveness of involvement today at the central government level;
2) mapping the strengths and weaknesses of engagement processes related to inclusion;
3) compare the practices of government agencies and highlight experiences, solutions and good examples worth sharing;
4) Collect feedback from partners involved in decision making on the engagement arrangements;
5) Make suggestions for development to promote inclusion and propose a methodology for regular monitoring of inclusion.

The main focus of the analysis was on ministries ‘engagement practices and processes with a view to making recommendations for the systematic development of government agencies’ engagement capacity. Although the different sections of the analysis also concerned the capacity of stakeholders and target groups to be involved, this topic was not the main focus of this analysis.