Extending the Scope of Labour Market Integration of Immigrants

Institute of Baltic Studies, in cooperation with partner organisations from six EU countries, is carrying out a project (MIGRASCOPE) aiming to increase access to work and reduce barriers for migrants. This will be achieved through implementing new good integration practices at the workplace by employers and increasing knowledge and better expectation management among migrants. The project also aims to identify and empower successful migrant entrepreneurs who would act as role models and to facilitate the access to work and reduce barriers by developing innovative and interactive e-tools.

The activities for the MIGRASCOPE project include work-shadowing, creating a best practice toolbox, development of two e-services together with mobile app, identification of expectations among migrants and organisation of interactive workshops for migrants. Altogether, around 400 immigrants are expected to participate in the interactive workshops and more than 100 employees to take part in the work-shadowing activities. The project also involves various social partners (including civil society organisations) and state and local government authorities.

MIGRASCOPE project expected results include:

The project is funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and it lasts until October 2018.