Evaluation of the Impact and Results of the European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants

The Institute of Baltic Studies conducted an evaluation of the results and impact of the European Citizens’ Integration Foundation, commissioned by the Ministry of Culture.

The purpose of the evaluation was to provide an overview of the activities carried out with the Fund in the period 2011-2013 and to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, complementarity and additionality of the Fund’s implementation programs and their contribution to the strategic policy objectives underpinning the Fund.

The evaluation identified and measured the direct results of the supported projects, which are easy to implement in each Member State and thus allow for improved results at EU level and a more global assessment of the extent to which the Fund’s target groups can be reached and assisted. It also assessed whether the implementation of the programs was efficient and effective, whether it provided additional support beyond existing resources, added value and responded to the needs of the Member States and at EU level; and how EU funds for programs and projects have contributed to the policy objectives underpinning the Fund. In addition, proposals were made to help the Commission further improve the legal and implementation framework.

The European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (EIF) was set up to help EU Member States integrate third-country nationals and to enhance Member States’ capacity to design, implement and evaluate integration policies.

The activities supported by EIF funds in Estonia have been aimed at familiarizing third-country nationals with Estonian society and at presenting their language, culture, history, socio-economic situation, institutions, values ​​and norms to third-country nationals.

The implementation of the Fund for the period 2011-2013 was based on the 2007-2013 multi-annual program and the annual programs based on it (2011, 2012 and 2013). The total financial envelope for the annual programs for the period 2011-2013 was EUR 5 080 756, of which EIF accounted for 75% and national co-financing for 25%.