Programme impact evaluation of Interreg V-A – Estonia-Latvia Programme 2014-2020

Commissioned by the State Shared Service Centre, the Institute of Baltic Studies carries out an impact assessment of the Interreg V-A Estonia-Latvia Programme 2014-2020. The overall goal of this evaluation is to assess whether the funds contributed by the Programme caused positive changes in the Programme area and possibly outside it. The evaluation examines why some interventions worked with the desired results and some did not, and what were / are the internal and / or external constraints that prevented the Programme from achieving the desired impact. The evaluation shall help to improve the quality of the design and implementation of Programmes, as well as to assess their effectiveness, efficiency and impact.
The study includes interviews with Programme management level officials and members of the monitoring committee, an online survey and interviews with funded project partners in both Estonia and Latvia. The study will be completed in autumn 2020.